Produce Optimal Medical Therapy in Your Organization More Consistently
Reduce variation to produce better clinical and financial outcomes in value-based contracts. We support you in achieving that goal.
Dr. William Bestermann and Optimal Medical Therapy
Dr. Bestermann is an internist who focused on cardiovascular and related conditions for most of his career. Optimal medical therapy (OMT) produces much better clinical and financial outcomes than usual care. This school exist to train your Chronic Cardiometabolic Clinic Team to Produce OMT consistently.
Example Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
- Welcome and Introductions - what is the course about and who are the teachers?
- What to Expect - what will your students learn?
- Resources - what things will your students need to do this course? (downloadables, PDFs, etc.)
- Help and FAQ - what should students do if they have questions?
- The National Academy of Medicine Blueprint for the Healthcare Revolution
- It Costs Four Times as Much To Have a Heart Attack in the US Compared with Europe
- The Promise of the New Science of Optimal Medical Therapy
- Singapore: The Most Effective and Efficient Medical System in the World
- Improving the Lives of Primary Care Teams Now
- Improving Diabetes Care in Your Organization
- Seriously Ill Patients: The Key to Success in Medicare Advantage
- Optimal Medical Therapy in Small Towns: The Central Role of Nurse Practitioners
- Squeezing Out Variation in Chronic Illness Management
- Successful Chronic Disease Management Requires a Comprehensive Solution
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll